Introduction to Beekeeping 1 Day

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Arrival : Settle in and meet the class

A 9am start with introductions ; tea and coffee and an overview of the days events.

First view of the bees in our classroom observation hive

30 mins 

Classroom introduction to Bees

A structured overview of life in a bee colony including:

The History of Bees
Bee Anatomy
Members and Hierachy of a Bee colony
Types of Beehives
Managing Bee diseases
Managing Swarming

3 hours (with coffee break)


A lunch of sandwiches, soft drinks, tea, coffee and some honey treats

45 mins

Afternoon Session: Practical Hands-On Hive inspection

Fitting you into protective clothing
How to set up a smoker
Opening the Bee hives & Inspecting
Record sheets and keeping information
Questions and Answers

2hrs 30 mins

Recap and Manuals to take away

A recap on the day with your Brecon Beecomb manual to take away for your own personal use in your beekeeping journey


Roger Swain


Roger has been managing bees of his own and clients from his gardening business for over four years.

All courses and Meet the Bee sessions are carried out at our Apiary in the Woodlands at The Good Life Wales

Brecon Beecombs is the our business incorporating all our Bee services including: Bee courses; Honey sales; Wax products; Hive and ~Hive parts sales

Ready to get started?

Contact us or click the Book Now button